What you will build
An online shop with a user-facing gallery of goods and a checkout page. You can build an admin panel for adding new warehouses and filling them with goods (or use a GraphQL explorer directly to populate the data). When users checkout an order is created and can be then manipulated (view all orders, update their statuses) by an authenticated user.
What you will learn
- How to integrate GraphQL back-end server
- How to build an online shop website with admin panel
- How to authenticate with JWT
Recommended resources to read
Entities insight
There is a warehouse entity. Each warehouse can contain a number of products. There should be at least one.
Products are the goods that users will be able to "buy" from you. They are stored in warehouses.
Order contains information on how many of what products a user chose to buy, shipping details and chosen payment method.
By user for the sake of simplicity we take administrators/managers. They will be able to see the orders. To make an order you don't need authentication.
Examples of available API
Creating new user
Get orders
Response for an unauthenticated user is shown below.